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Some of my works:
Favole et al. 2023, Characterizing the ELG luminosity functions in the nearby Universe, A&A forthcoming paper
Balaguera et al. 2023, DESI Mock Challenge VII: halo and galaxy catalogs with the Bias Assignment Method, A&A 673 130
Favole et al. 2022, Subhalo abundance matching through the lens of a hydrodynamical simulation, MNRAS 509 1614
Favole et al. 2021, Does jackknife scale really matter for accurate large-scale structure covariances?, MNRAS 505 5833
Granett, Favole et al. 2019, Measuring the growth of structure by matching dark matter haloes to galaxies with VIPERS and SDSS, MNRAS 489 653
Favole et al. 2017, Galaxy clustering dependence on the [O II] emission line luminosity in the local Universe, MNRAS 472 550​
Favole et al. 2016, Building a better understanding of the massive high-redshift BOSS CMASS galaxies as tools for cosmology, MNRAS 462 2218
Favole et al. 2016, Clustering properties of g-selected galaxies at z ∼ 0.8, MNRAS 461 3421
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